12 Impressive Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar (Eat More?)


Fungal infections consist of minor to major health problems. Moreover, people get fungal infections in the mouth, throat, esophagus, gut, vagina, skin, nails, and lungs. Those with weak immune systems are prone to fungal infections. Likewise, people with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of contracting fungal infections, especially if they cannot properly control their blood sugar levels. 

Some people can have Candidiasis, a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans. The yeast may not cause any problems. However, if its growth becomes uncontrollable, it could be life-threatening because it can infect the bloodstream and the internal organs, such as the brain, heart, or kidney. Candidiasis is problematic because the infection is usually long-lasting, resulting in resistance to antifungal prescription drugs. 

Research suggests that apple cider vinegar is an excellent antifungal solution. A report describes a person with type 2 diabetes who had Candidiasis in the mouth, applying it on the infection twice a day. After a week, the individual achieved a 94 percent reduction of the fungal infection. 

One test-tube study found that apple cider vinegar, which contains four percent maleic acid, could destroy the Candida species causing denture stomatitis, a fungal infection in the mouth that affects people who wear dentures.