Angular Cheilitis: 15 Best Ways To Treat (According to Professionals)

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel has long been used as a home remedy to treat all skin conditions. Usually, a little aloe vera can go a long way when you have cracked skin or chapped lips. It helps keep the skin moisturized, helps ensure your skin is more vibrant and lowers the odds of angular cheilitis. While antibiotics or antifungal treatments can get the job done, aloe vera is still a good idea as a popular home remedy. All you have to do is apply the aloe vera to the affected parts of your mouth and let it do its work. In addition, Aloe vera can help deal with symptoms such as itchiness or pain, as it can ease the inflammation and help the body heal.

Aloe vera is also known to help with burns, easing pain symptoms and making it easier to manage the burn. Of course, this only applies to minor burns, as anything significant requires medical treatment to fix effectively. Overall, aloe vera gel is an exciting treatment for angular cheilitis. While it might not clear it up entirely, aloe vera helps ease the symptoms.