9 Proven Health Benefits Of Whey Protein

Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Inflammation is the body’s natural defense mechanism to protect a sensitive or damaged area. It usually happens when the tissues are injured or damaged due to bacteria, trauma, heat, toxins, or other causes. The cells in these damaged tissues release chemicals known as histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins that cause the blood vessels in the area to build up fluids in the tissues to cause swelling.

Though inflammation is useful at the beginning to protect the damaged area, it may also become harmful if it becomes chronic. It may lead to future complications such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic kidney disease.

Whey protein is already known for being able to help the recovery of muscle soreness after a workout. During resistance training, the muscles get damaged due to micro-tears. These micro-tears cause soreness and inflammation in the area that was being trained. Whey protein helps the rebuilding process of the muscles. Studies have also shown that daily doses of more than 20 grams of protein have been linked to reduced C-reactive protein or CRP, a marker for inflammation within the body.