12 Impressive Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12 (Eat More?)

Helps with the Formation of Red Blood Cells

Vitamin B12 helps the body produce red blood cells. Red blood cells are small, flexible, and contain hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to different body parts. The two main types of red blood cells are the erythrocytes (red cells) and the leukocytes (white cells). Erythrocytes carry oxygen to body tissues during respiration, while leukocytes act as scavengers that destroy bacteria, foreign matter, and other pathogens.

A lack of vitamin B12 will affect the body’s red blood cell production and oxygen levels. B12 deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anemia. This condition is characterized by enlarged red blood cells, which cannot carry oxygen throughout the body. Besides being large, the cells’ inner contents are not fully developed. Because of this abnormality, the bone marrow produces fewer cells, and the cells sometimes die before the 120-day life expectancy. Symptoms of the megaloblastic anemia include lethargy, pale skin, and easy bruising. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, dizziness, and extreme fatigue. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency contributes to megaloblastic anemia. In addition, if not treated, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to other neurological problems such as memory loss, balance problems, and paresthesia, a prickling sensation felt in the arms and legs.