Certain Medications
The vestibular system, located in the inner ear, allows us to sense movement and balance. When functioning properly, this system keeps track of where we are in space and helps us to keep our eyes steady and our bodies upright. Vertigo is a sensation that causes us to feel as though the world is spinning or moving around us, which can be caused by several factors, including viral infections, head injuries, and certain medications.
Medications that can cause vertigo to include anticonvulsants, antihistamines, chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment, antidepressants (including SSRIs), hormones like birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy drugs, and certain medications for allergies or stomach acid.
Medication-induced vertigo has been rising recently, with the number of cases increasing. However, it’s important to know that their effects can be permanent when it comes to these medications and their ability to cause vertigo as a side effect. In other words, once you have experienced vertigo as a side effect, you may never be able to stop experiencing it.
It may recur at any time, particularly if you forget or miss a dose of your medication. If you are taking any of the above medications and you experience dizziness or vertigo that increases when you turn your head or move quickly, tell your doctor immediately since they are likely causing your symptoms.