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Obesity refers to a complex disorder that involves the accumulation of excessive body fat. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not merely a cosmetic issue but a medical concern that can increase the risks of developing health issues, including diabetes, elevated blood pressure, heart disease, specific cancers, and varicose veins. Various reasons exist as to why some have difficulty maintaining or losing weight. Often, obesity occurs as a result of inherited, environmental, and physiological factors combined with lifestyle choices.

BMIs or body mass indexes are normally used when diagnosing obesity. While it provides an estimate of body fat, it doesn’t necessarily measure it. Thus, muscular athletes might have higher BMIs and fit into the obesity category even if they’re devoid of excess fat. Many healthcare practitioners also measure a person’s waist circumference to direct treatment decisions. 

Although body weight is influenced by hormonal, metabolic, behavioral, and genetic factors, obesity occurs if a person takes in more calories than they burn through daily exercise and normal activities. Unfortunately, many Americans have high-calorie diets, typically from carbonated beverages and fast food. Since most live sedentary lifestyles and don’t engage in physical activity, they’re unable to lose weight, resulting in obesity instead.