12 Symptoms Of Uti Men You Should Know

Cloudy Urine

Numerous medical problems, from the comparatively benign to the severe, can cause cloudy urine. These include dehydration, a urinary tract infection, STIs, kidney stones, diabetes, an inflamed prostate, and other health conditions. Occasionally, cloudy urine is an indication that the urine contains more protein, crystalline materials, blood, pus, or other compounds. Medical practitioners refer to cloudy urine in other terms. For example, they may refer to the condition as albuminuria or use phrases like milky, frothy, or turbid white urine.

A urinary tract infection can cause an increase in discharge in the form of blood or pus. Because of this, urine becomes cloudy. Cloudy urine is not exclusive to men with UTI, as women can also display the same symptom. Urine can also seem hazy or milky if too many white blood cells are present, which the body uses to fight a urinary tract infection. Urine might also appear hazy if protein, semen, or blood are present.

When changes occur in urine, it might be an immediate indication that something is wrong with the urinary tract. While it is not a medical emergency, it should be addressed to determine the root of the problem for appropriate treatment.