What Could Trigger Tonsillitis? 15 Possible Causes


Adenovirus is a virus that infects the respiratory tract and is one of the most common causes of sore throat in young children. Adenoviruses are classified into 51 different types, with types 1-5 causing most human illnesses. It is also responsible for five to ten percent of strep-negative tonsillitis cases. This virus can also cause conjunctivitis, croup, and bronchiolitis. Adenoviruses are spread through close contact with an infected person, through contact with contaminated surfaces, or by airborne transmission. 

People with tonsilitis caused by adenovirus infections are usually contagious for seven days after they first develop symptoms. Most people recover from an adenovirus infection within two weeks without treatment, but some may require hospitalization. 

A diagnosis of adenovirus infection can be made through a throat swab or rapid antigen detection test. Treatment is typically supportive and includes rest, fluids, and paracetamol for fever control. In severe cases, antiviral medication may be prescribed. Prevention of adenovirus infection includes good hygiene practices and vaccination.