12 Thigh Pain Causes You Should Know (Common Triggers)

Diabetic Neuropathy

The body uses the food it consumes by turning it into energy. It breaks down the sugar or glucose it contains and releases it into the bloodstream. The pancreas will then release insulin when the blood sugar spikes. Insulin plays a vital role in letting the blood sugar use the converted energy. Unfortunately, cases like diabetes ruin the body’s process of changing food into energy. 

Diabetes is a condition known to have many complications. One of these is diabetic neuropathy. This occurs when the blood sugar fluctuates its level. It can affect the nerves that control function, movement, and sensation. One of the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is thigh pain. This pain can result in difficulty walking, numbness or pain in the lower part and weakness in the muscle. 

The pain in the thigh and legs results from the nerve damage the diabetic neuropathy has caused. In addition, it can result from a long-term endurance of high blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, maintaining and monitoring blood sugar levels is the key to lowering the risk of having thigh pain.