The 13 Causes of Swollen Lips (You Should Definetly Be Aware Of)

Acne and Pimples

Acne is a skin condition caused by an inflammation of the clumped sebum (an oily substance produced by the glands) and dead skin cells forming plugs in the follicle. This plug contains bacteria that lead to the production of red pimples. The growth of spots is a manifestation that there is acne. Several causes can trigger acne, including the following: picking, scratching, and squeezing existing pimples, scrubbing the face aggressively (especially if hands are dirty), dirt from the environment, or cosmetics that are harmful to the skin. 

Sometimes, pimples grow near the lips (upper or lower) or on the lips, which may lead to temporary swelling in the affected area. The pain may be easily relieved; however, a more serious type of acne, called cystic acne, needs proper health care and prescription drugs. It shows signs of severe swelling caused by a cyst that has grown underneath the skin. It is formed through the combination of dry skin, bacteria, and oil in the pores. Furthermore, keeping the hands from touching or picking them is advised to prevent further bacteria and infection from penetrating the skin.