10 Causes & Common Triggers Of Stroke (You Should Know)


Stroke may occur at any age, but the risks may increase at 55. They also double every decade after that. This is because the arteries become harder and narrower as people get older, making it more difficult for the blood to flow smoothly. They are also likely to be clogged with a fatty deposit that builds up over time, which may disrupt the blood flow to the brain and cause a stroke.

However, the likelihood of a stroke may occur even in people younger than 65. There have been cases in ages 15 to 49 and even in babies in the womb. So, nobody is exempted from the disease. It’s just that older people have higher odds.

In recent years, we have seen a continued rise in stroke cases among adolescents and young adults. Experts believe this is because more young people suffer from obesity and, sometimes, even diabetes.

But it’s never too late for anyone at any age to reduce their risks, especially if they start changing how they live.