What Causes Sore Throat? 13 Possible Causes You Should Know

Poor Hygiene

One of the most common causes of sore throats is poor hygiene. The human mouth contains many bacteria that thrive on food particles, dead skin cells, and other detritus that we don’t always get rid of properly. The bacteria that cause sore throats are called streptococci. They spread through inhalation, sharing contaminated objects like utensils and toothbrushes, and contact with an infected person’s saliva. 

Poor hygiene is one of the leading causes of sore throats. If you have been sick with a sore throat, it is likely that the germs that caused the sore throat are still in your mouth and on your hands. The best way to avoid getting sick in the future is to wash your hands regularly and practice proper dental hygiene, such as brushing and flossing at least twice a day.