What Causes Sore Gums? 15 Causes To Consider

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is one of the main causes of sore gums. For example, your gums may become sore if you are not regularly flossing and don’t consistently brush your teeth. This is because bacteria have accumulated between your teeth and the gum line, causing inflammation. In addition, the buildup of plaque on your teeth can cause the gums to become inflamed.

Poor oral hygiene leads to sore gums because you are not diligent about maintaining a healthy mouth. This leads to bacterial growth and inflammation in the gum tissue. When bacteria grow in large numbers, they produce acids that irritate the tissues around them. Inflammation also occurs due to food particles caught between your teeth and hardening into plaque. If you do not brush or floss your teeth, this plaque can build up over time until it becomes mineralized and turns into calculus (tartar).