14 Common Signs Of Sciatica You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Pain that Worsens with Movement

Anyone who has experienced sciatica’s sharp, shooting pain knows that this condition can make even the simplest movements feel agonizing. When sciatica flares up, it can cause weakness, numbness, and pain in the affected leg. The pain is often described as a shooting or burning sensation. In some cases, the pain may be so severe that it is difficult to stand or sit.

Sciatica is painful during movement because any movement, including standing up, sitting down, walking, or even lying down, can aggravate the compressed nerve and cause more pain. Sometimes, simply coughing or sneezing can trigger a bout of sciatica pain. 

For many people with sciatica, everyday activities like getting out of bed in the morning or getting dressed for work can be a challenge. Even something as simple as reaching for a cup of coffee can trigger a wave of intense pain. People with this condition must take things slow and easy when experiencing flare-ups. Avoiding sudden movements or anything that puts pressure on the spine is usually recommended.