14 Common Signs Of Sciatica You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Hip Pain

While hip pain is a common symptom of sciatica, it’s important to note that not everyone will experience it. Some people may only feel pain in their lower back or legs. And for those who do experience hip pain, it is not always severe. 

For most people, sciatica-related hip pain is mild to moderate and can be managed with over-the-counter medication and at-home treatments such as ice and heat therapy. However, for some people, the pain can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities. Therefore, people experiencing severe hip pain due to sciatica should see a doctor to get proper treatment.

There are also some things sciatica patients can do to prevent sciatica and hip pain from occurring in the first place. First, maintain good posture both when sitting and standing. Secondly, avoid sitting or standing for long periods without taking a break to move around. Thirdly, getting enough exercise every week is crucial as this will help keep the muscles strong and flexible. Finally, individuals with an underlying condition like degenerative disc disease or arthritis should follow their doctor’s recommendations for managing the condition to prevent flare-ups of symptoms.