12 Causes & Triggers of Rapid Weight Loss You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)


Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in the general population. However, it is not always easily identified. In addition, symptoms of depression may vary from person to person and may not usually be disclosed to a health care provider. 

Symptoms of depression include the following – depressed mood, loss of interest in most activities, changes in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping, low energy, poor concentration, agitation, thoughts of worthlessness or guilt, and recurrent suicidal thoughts. Such symptoms affect one’s quality of daily living, and immediate detection is key to providing help. 

Changes in appetite may involve stress or emotional eating, leading to weight gain. They may also cause a decrease in appetite, which may lead to rapid and unintentional weight loss. Some may consider weight loss as a positive side effect. However, extreme weight loss can further put one’s health at risk, both psychologically and physically. A depressed mood and low energy may also affect one’s daily activities, including taking regular baths, cleaning up, and preparing as well as eating meals. 

Thus, the symptoms mentioned above should never be taken lightly and should provide hints of underlying conditions such as depression.