14 Impressive Health Benefits Of Probiotics (Eat More?)

Relieves IBS

Irritable bowel or IBS refers to a chronic gastrointestinal condition that may cause persistent stomach pain. Also referred to as nervous colon or spastic colitis, this long-term disorder comes with symptoms that may change over time. While indicators and signs of the disease vary depending on the person, some common symptoms are bowel habit changes, abdominal cramping and pain, passing mucus through the rectum, and bloating or swelling of the abdomen. Constipation and diarrhea may also occur during flare-ups.

Various things can lead to IBS, with dietary factors being a common risk factor in triggering its symptoms. The severity of the symptoms can often worsen after consuming specific foods, including alcohol, milk, and chocolates. Microbial imbalances may also exacerbate the disease. In these cases, probiotics may help relieve some of the symptoms because it can affect the microbial imbalance and intestinal dysbiosis in IBS. Stress, genetics, infections, medications, and health-related conditions may cause IBS, too.

The treatment for IBS usually aims to alleviate symptoms and improve living quality. Often, it starts with lifestyle and dietary changes, such as avoiding sugar, limiting alcohol consumption, drinking enough fluids, and eating slower. Antispasmodic medications and bulk-forming laxatives may also help ease IBS symptoms.