What Are The Causes Of Mouth Ulcer? 12 Common Triggers

Lack of Vitamins

There are foods to avoid to prevent mouth ulcers, but there are also foods rich in vitamins that can be taken to prevent developing mouth ulcers. People grow canker sores because of vitamin deficiency. Some vitamins necessary to prevent the development of canker sores are zinc, vitamin B12, iron, and folate. It is proven that vitamin B and vitamin B complex are effective cures for mouth ulcers. It also reduces the recurrence of canker sores, rushes healing, and shortens the treatment period. 

To boost these vitamin levels in the body, take supplements daily or eat certain foods like oysters, whole grains, and legumes for zinc. In addition, eating more meat, yeast extract, nutritional yeast, and fortified cereals can boost vitamin B12. For more iron in the body, eat more dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, red meat, beans, and lentils. And for folate content, eat more bread, rice, chickpeas, fruits, and fresh vegetables. 

Taking richer vitamin foods is beneficial in preventing mouth ulcer buildup. In addition, avoiding foods such as spicy, salty, and citrusy foods will improve the prevention. Cutting down on these harmful foods is the technique for ensuring proper nutrition is achieved while preventing mouth ulcers.