14 Causes & Triggers of Mouth Sores You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Spicy Foods and Chocolate

Eating spicy and hot foods can be interpreted similarly in the body, which can cause “burns” on the mouth’s soft tissues. Capsaicin, a common ingredient in spicy foods, activates the skin’s heat receptors, tricking the neurological system into feeling that you are hot. The brain stimulates the body’s cooling systems in response. The activation of nociceptors alone may indicate a potentially high temperature. However, capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, stimulates the neurons responsible for perceiving moderate heat to respond only to mild temperature increases.

This occurrence can irritate the mouth’s mucous membranes, leading to painful canker sores or mouth ulcers and exacerbating existing mouth sores. Patients who are fond of chili peppers, hot sauce, curry, and spicy snacks are vulnerable to developing lesions. It is recommended for individuals with recurrent mouth sores to avoid tabasco sauce and other condiments with additional spice. On the other hand, chocolate is another significant cause of mouth ulcers, primarily due to its alkaloid obromide content. This ingredient irritates the tongue and may induce an allergic-like reaction. Cocoa powder also contains some allergens. Some people with this mild allergy develop canker sores on the tongue and inside of the cheeks.