15 Health Benefits Of Moringa (Is The Hype Real?)

The moringa tree is well-known as the miracle tree, with other names such as the drumstick or horseradish tree. It’s a drought-resistant tree native to the Indian subcontinent. The reason it’s called a miracle tree is that most parts of the moringa tree have medicinal properties. We’ll be focusing on the moringa leaves, as they’re the part most commonly sold worldwide. Many of moringa’s medicinal properties can be found in its leaves, which can be prepared in various ways. Perhaps the most common is to utilize the leaves as a form of tea—something that people have enjoyed for as long as the discovery of its medicinal benefits.

Aside from moringa leaves being used for tea, they can also be cooked and eaten similar to spinach and other greens, as well as ground to a powder. It’s relatively easy to incorporate into your diet, and is also easy enough to find. So, if you’re interested in the many ways moringa leaves can help the body, here are a few benefits that might convince you to try them.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Moringa leaves are well-known for regulating blood sugar levels, which can help the body in various ways. It’s not easy to control one’s sugar intake, especially when you’ve developed an addiction to various snacks. Genetics can also play a role in how easily your blood sugar can rise. For example, those who are genetically predisposed to diabetes will have a much more challenging time keeping their blood sugar levels low, even with best-practice techniques. They will only need to take a fraction of the sugar compared to those who aren’t predisposed to diabetes.

As such, it’s a good idea to take moringa however you would like (as a tea, food, or supplement) to help keep blood sugar levels low. Those predisposed to diabetes will have a much more challenging time keeping things under control, but they can help alleviate the issue through moringa leaves. Moringa tea is particularly effective, as it keeps you hydrated while simultaneously controlling blood sugar levels.