15 Proven Health Benefits Of Meditation

Lengthens Overall Attention Span

One of the most significant benefits of meditation is how it trains your mind to be more capable of holding attention for extended periods. Unfortunately, we live in an age filled with distractions offered by ads no matter what we do. With print and digital marketing, people are constantly bombarded by ads, making it challenging to keep your attention on a single thing for very long. In addition, social media platforms such as TikTok also specialize in short videos, pandering further to the short attention spans of the current generation. While a short attention span isn’t inherently wrong, it makes life a little more challenging when you find yourself unable to focus on one thing for a very long time.

It’s also the reason why meditation is so rare these days. Meditating is forcing yourself to focus and redirect your thoughts — something that many people find unable to do. Even if you can’t keep your focus for very long, practicing the art of meditation consistently will eventually yield better results. With today’s fast-paced technology centered on accessibility and convenience, it helps to slow things down now and again.