Early Signs Of Lyme Disease: 15 Symptoms

Heart Palpitations or an Irregular Heartbeat

Heart palpitations may be a potential sign of Lyme disease. A heart palpitation is a fluttering sensation of the heart that may feel like it’s pounding or racing. A person can get them on their own, without any cause they can identify, or they can be caused by a health condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

An irregular heartbeat means that instead of generally beating in a steady rhythm (60 times per minute on average), the heart skips beats (called premature ventricular contractions), speeds up (tachycardia), or slows down (bradycardia). This irregularity can signify heart disease and lead to symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Heart palpitations may also be caused by medications, caffeine, or alcohol consumption.

There are many causes for palpitations and an irregular heartbeat, but one common cause is Lyme disease. Sometimes these symptoms come and go over time; Lyme disease itself might not be responsible for them all the time either.