10 Low Iron (Anemia) Symptoms & Early Signs – Don’t Ignore

Mouth and Tongue Inflammation 

Iron deficiency may lead to mouth and tongue inflammation. In addition, insufficient oxygen in hemoglobin causes gums to be more susceptible to infections or deterioration, making them a target for other types of sicknesses.

This inflammation may sound like the lips are just chapped or dry due to cold weather, but it is much more intense than that. There have been cases reported of the insides or outsides of patients’ mouths being enlarged, inflamed, or pale. Another symptom of this inflammation is having an irregularly smooth tongue.

Other symptoms of iron deficiency can bring about a dry mouth, a fiery feeling in the mouth, and painful, red crevices or cracks at the corners of the mouth. Some patients even recall their experience of still having dry mouth after drinking large amounts of liquids. On the other hand, white patches inside the mouth may just be a mouth ulcer.