15 Common Causes of Loss Of Balance You Shouldn’t Ignore


Arthritis is a common condition that can cause joint pain and inflammation. For many people, arthritis is a minor annoyance. But for others, it can be a debilitating condition that affects their ability to live a normal, active life. 

One of the more surprising ways that arthritis can affect people is by causing problems with balance. This can happen for a few different reasons. First, the pain and fatigue associated with arthritis can make it challenging to stay active and exercise regularly. This can lead to muscle weakness, which can, in turn, lead to problems with balance. Some medications used to treat arthritis can cause dizziness or lightheadedness, leading to balance problems.

For individuals with arthritis, it’s essential to be aware of all the potential symptoms, including balance problems. As arthritis can cause symptoms over the long term, it is best to talk to a doctor about possible treatment options. Many effective treatments can help you manage arthritis and its various symptoms to improve one’s quality of life.