15 Common Causes of Loss Of Balance You Shouldn’t Ignore

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a leading cause of loss of balance. According to the National Institute of Health, over 35 million Americans suffer from motion sickness. But what exactly is motion sickness, and how does it cause loss of balance?

Motion sickness is a condition that is caused by repeated motion. It can be caused by riding in a car, boat, or airplane; playing video games; or even reading in a moving vehicle. The symptoms of motion sickness include dizziness, vomiting, and sweating. Some people have mild symptoms, and they can continue with their activities. For others, the symptoms are so severe that they must stop what they are doing and rest. 

The loss of balance is caused by the inner ear being affected by repeated motion. The inner ear is responsible for balance and equilibrium. When the inner ear is involved, it sends confusing signals about movement and position signals to the brain. This can cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, it can also cause fainting. 

In the presence of dizziness or loss of balance, while performing activities such as driving or flying, it is best to stop immediately and rest until the symptoms pass.