13 Common Signs Of Liver Failure You Shouldn’t Ignore (List)

Disorientation or Confusion

Liver failure could affect the nervous system, manifesting as disorientation or confusion. When the liver is not functioning correctly, it could leave its purpose of clearing up toxins in the blood. Such toxins may circulate and travel to the brain, affecting its function.

This nervous system disorder caused by liver failure is also called hepatic encephalopathy. There are three types of this disorder. Type A is caused by acute liver failure, which may occur even without chronic liver disease. Type B occurs in some patients who have a bypass connecting two veins inside the liver and can happen even without an underlying liver disease. Type C is a result of cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a temporary condition that doctors may reverse by recommending treatments to remove toxins in the blood. In most cases, antibiotics and laxatives are used to treat or manage it and its symptoms of disorientation, confusion, anxiety, balance problems, sleeping disorders, and slurred speech. But unless its underlying cause is resolved, hepatic encephalopathy may happen now and then.