What Could Trigger Jock Itch? 12 Possible Causes

Sharing Contaminated Clothing and Towels

One of the leading causes of jock itch is sharing contaminated clothing and towels with others. This can occur when you come into contact with the fungus that thrives in warm, moist environments. The moisture on your skin, combined with tight-fitting clothes or synthetic fabrics, can create the perfect environment for a fungal infection to develop.

 Jock itch is highly contagious and can be contracted through direct contact with an infected person or by sharing personal items such as clothing and towels. The fungus can also be spread through contaminated surfaces, such as swimming pools, gym locker rooms, or public showers. Once the fungus has entered the skin, it can cause an itchy rash that may be accompanied by flaking, burning sensation, and redness. 

This fungal infection can often be treated with anti-fungal creams, pastes, ointments, or powders that can be purchased without a prescription. However, more severe cases may require prescription medication. It is essential to practice good hygiene and to avoid sharing personal items with others to prevent the spread of jock itch. If you think you may be at risk for jock itch, it is important to take steps to keep the groin and inner thighs always dry.