14 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting (Is It Good For You?)

Lowers Inflammation

Inflammation is the defense mechanism of the body. Whether or not you’re aware, it happens to everyone. It’s created by the immune system to keep the body protected from disease, injury, or infection. It also plays a pivotal role when it comes to healing. However, there are times when it may work against the body. For example, some autoimmune conditions like IBD or inflammatory bowel disorder and specific arthritis types might force the body’s immune system to begin attacking healthy cells.

The two types of inflammation are acute and chronic. The former typically occurs for brief durations, resolving in a matter of days or weeks. Conversely, the latter lasts much longer and is linked to stress and vicarious autoimmune diseases. Experiencing long-term inflammation can result in various symptoms, the most common of which are body pain, insomnia and fatigue, anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal problems, frequent infections, and weight gain.

Some studies on animals suggest intermittent fasting and other calorie-limiting diets are effective at minimizing inflammation, although there have only been a few clinical trials. However, another published research that analyzed 50 participants fasting because of the Ramadan found pro-inflammatory markers and blood pressure to be low during this period.