14 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting (Is It Good For You?)

In the last few years, intermittent fasting has enjoyed increasing popularity as a health trend. As its name suggests, it refers to a dietary pattern of refraining from calorie consumption for extended periods between twelve and forty hours. Calorie-containing drinks and solid foods are not permitted during this time, although water, coffee, and calorie-free beverages can be taken.

For example, those following this pattern of eating who have their dinner at 7 PM on Monday won’t eat until the same time on Tuesday. Some people may also choose to fast for 24 hours instead. However, this can be more challenging to maintain, and it isn’t recommended for those who have just started. Usually, it’s a bad idea to go all out from the outset, and many routines generally begin with time frames. 

Many researchers and studies have linked intermittent fasting to numerous health and well-being benefits, such as regulating calorie intake and enhancing metabolic health. Additionally, these eating patterns are ideal for long-term and sustainable diets. While they may have some downsides, most believe the pros of the practice outweigh its cons. And this article will cover some advantages fasting intermittently can have on your overall health. 

Weight Loss

One of the reasons why people do intermittent fasting is its benefits for weight loss. According to a published article in the Canadian Family Physicians in 2020, the practice can potentially contribute to weight loss for obese and overweight individuals. The researchers looked into data from 27 studies and found that the participants could cut down 13 percent of their total weight. However, not every study produced the same results.

A study conducted in JAMA in 2020 involved over a hundred overweight people who only ate between 12 and 8 PM for twelve weeks didn’t have a positive outcome. They didn’t experience any significant weight loss after the three months. Another catch is that the weight loss isn’t more than some expect from other calorie-restricted diets. A review in 2019 found similar weight and fat loss amounts between intermittent fasting and regular energy restrictions. 

Because of the contradictory results, it’s unclear whether or not intermittent fasting can result in weight loss. Some experts believe it depends on how many calories an individual consumes daily. Time-restricted diets might work to shed some unwanted pounds. However, they are much harder to maintain than many calorie-restricted dietary regimens.