Treating Varicose Veins At Home: 13 Home Remedies

Compression Stockings

If your varicose veins are bothersome or you want to prevent them from worsening, it’s important to look into compression stockings. Compression stockings are a garment designed to apply pressure to the leg, which can help treat varicose veins, spider veins, and other conditions such as poor circulation. While they aren’t a cure, they are an effective way to improve your symptoms and help prevent further damage.

When choosing compression stockings, there are two main options: support hose (sometimes called knee-highs) and thigh-highs. Support hoses go up to the knee and have elastic bands at both ends; this type is generally recommended if you have mild varicose veins but don’t get any leg swelling. Thigh-highs go up to the thigh, covering a larger area than support hoses; they’re more comfortable and breathable but may be too warm for some people. Again, thigh-highs are generally recommended if you have moderate varicose veins or swelling in your legs.