14 Home Remedies For Tooth Infection: How To Get Rid Of It


Drainage is the procedure that involves abscess removal because of a tooth’s breakdown or decay. Through this treatment, it’s possible to drain the infection. Often, it begins by taking X-rays to identify the infection’s source. In case infections begin to develop in the soft tissue or gums, tiny dental tools will be utilized to ensure that the pus is drained from your tissues by creating a hole in the gums. If the infection is on the tooth, the hole is in it for drainage to be possible.

After the treatment, the drained area will be irrigated using a saline solution. It’s also common to be prescribed upon the completion of the drainage procedure, usually to treat the residual infection. The infection may remain in the body even when the pus has been drained from the tooth or gums. If it isn’t treated, the infection can still spread and cause various serious complications.

It’s worth noting that while drainage is a standard dental procedure, the complications and risks associated with surgical interventions still apply. These include adverse reactions to anesthesia or local anesthetics and excessive bleeding after or during the operation. You may also experience some pain for a few days.