15 Home Remedies For Poison Ivy: How To Get Rid Of It

Apple Cider Vinegar

Summertime means fun in the sun, but it can also mean exposure to poison ivy. This noxious plant releases an oily resin called urushiol that can cause an itchy, blistering rash in people who come in contact with it. If you find yourself the victim of a poison ivy rash, don’t despair—apple cider vinegar may be able to help.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural astringent that can help to dry out the inflamed blisters associated with a poison ivy rash. It can also help to soothe the itchiness and burning sensation that often accompanies this type of rash. 

This natural home remedy works by restoring the skin’s pH balance and alleviating infection risk. And since vinegar is a natural antihistamine, it can also help to reduce inflammation. There are two popular methods for using apple cider vinegar as a poison ivy treatment. First, soak a washcloth in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water and apply it to the affected area. The second is to make a compress by combining one cup of vinegar with two cups of water and freezing it in ice cube trays overnight. Then, apply the frozen cubes to the affected areas in the morning.