9 Natural Remedies For Leg Cramps (At Home)


Dehydration is one of the main reasons why leg cramps happen due to excessive sweating, urinating, or diarrhea. The lack of water in the body is what triggers an electrolyte imbalance. This makes the nerves a lot more sensitive and therefore makes the body more susceptible to cramps. 

Prevention by making sure to consume 8 to 12 glasses (3 to 4 liters) of water daily is the best way to deal with cramps. However, hydration is often overlooked while exercising or when sick. So when cramps occur, it is safe to assume that the body needs to rehydrate.

Since cramps are usually painful, rehydrating may not be done immediately. So, as soon as the pain becomes more bearable, make sure to get some water and rehydrate. Water may be consumed to rehydrate, but sports drinks with electrolytes will also do the job. For more severe cases of dehydration, oral rehydration salts mixed with water will ensure the body can retain the lost bodily fluids.