12 At-Home, All-Natural Remedies For Indigestion


Those who drink chamomile tea frequently report feeling less anxious and sleeping better. Aside from that, it is utilized to soothe digestive problems such as an upset stomach. Although chamomile has a reputation for calming stomach issues, no evidence supports this claim.

Additionally, the herb may help with sadness and anxiety problems. Studies have discovered that daily chamomile extract users saw their anxiety symptoms drop by up to 50%. Researchers have shown that taking chamomile supplements every day helps with depressive symptoms. Additionally, colic, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome can also be treated with chamomile.

Although chamomile tea has a mild flavor, it is a powerful digestive aid. With just a simple cup of tea, chamomile can relieve anything from heartburn to stomach cramps. The daisy family’s little white chamomile flower has healthy volatile oils, terpenoids, and flavonoids. One of the earliest herbs used in traditional medicine dates back to antiquity. Even now, chamomile is still very popular, and many people consume it every day. 

Despite its many benefits, chamomile is most frequently used for digestion, sleep, and anxiety. It’s often used to soothe the digestive tract muscles and treat conditions including indigestion, gas, motion sickness, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. With various other digestive problems, chamomile tea may help avoid nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.