12 Best Home Remedies For Eye Infection (List)

Warm Compress

A frequently suggested eye treatment is the use of a warm compress. Though it is often used to treat various eye diseases, regularly using a compressed count is good eye care. It may aid in relieving a stye (eyelash root infection). Although it may look like a pimple on the side of the eyelid, the condition results in a sensitive, reddish bump. Typically, this infection is brought on by the staphylococcus bacterium. The disease may progress to the point that the entire eyelid is filled with pus and becomes swollen. A warm compress may remove and relieve the obstructions causing it. When a stye breaks, it typically drains a small amount of pus.

A sterile cloth and water are needed to make a warm and damp compress. The fabric must first be soaked in warm water and then applied gently on the infected eye for about ten minutes. It can be administered at least three times daily. It effectively works because the heat from the compress frequently causes a stye to reach the point where pus will naturally drain and dissolve. However, remember that warm compresses may initially cause a temporary rise in inflammation.