12 Natural Ways To Treat Earache At Home

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

Another cause of earache is temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. This condition affects the hinge connecting the jaw to the skull and the surrounding ligaments and muscles. The TMJ connects the temporal bone that makes up the side of a person’s head and the mandible or the lower jawbone close to the ear. The TMJ allows people to move their jaw side-to-side, forward, and backward. If there is a dysfunction in the TMJ, the person experiences limited movement and a painful jaw. 

Due to the location of the TMJ, the disorder leads to referred ear pain, facial or jaw pain, and pain when opening the mouth or chewing. TMJ causes include trauma, arthritis of the jaw, or improper bite. Other causes are teeth clenching and grinding (Bruxism), stress, and dislocation of the disc between the jaw’s socket and ball joint. The jaw may feel tender, and the person can experience earaches, facial pain, and headaches. 

TMJ disorder and earache treatments include gentle stretching and massages, moist heat compresses, and relaxation techniques. Sometimes, the doctors recommend taking pain relievers and visiting an orthodontist. Some people need to take anti-inflammatory medicine.