12 Effective Cramps Home Remedies You Should Try

Heat Therapy

Based on a review of research published in 2018 by a reliable source, heat treatment is as effective as NSAIDS in relieving cramps. The abdomen and lower back may feel better after receiving some heat therapy. Heat therapy can be done to ease the pain by simply taking a shower or bath. A heating pad can also be directly applied to the tight muscle. 

To make a DIY heating pad, sew two pieces of fabric but leave a hole on top of it. Then, fill it with uncooked rice, followed by sewing the hole, and the last procedure is to microwave it at the desired temperature for a minute. After putting it in a microwave, just let it cool or wrap it in a towel. 

Studies show that heat therapy is more beneficial than cold therapy, which needs to be used for a limited time. A minor tension in the muscle is said to be lessened by heat therapy for only 15 to 20 minutes. In contrast, a moderate to severe cramp can be relieved by longer heat therapy sessions that may last from 30 minutes to 2 hours.