13 Effective Remedies To Help You Treat Chest Congestion At Home

Essential Oils

Some essential oils may aid in clearing up chest mucus. Among those are peppermint and eucalyptus oils, some of the natural decongestants. There are two ways to use essential oils: diffusing them or applying them. 

Get a diffuser from the local drug stores if the oil is preferred to be distributed into the air. To release the aroma into the air, add a few drops of the oil to a hot bath or bowl of water. Then lean over the bowl and wrap a hand towel around the head. For five to ten minutes, breathe in the steam.

It’s necessary to do a skin patch test first if one intends to apply essential oil directly to the skin. To do this, combine the essential oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba. It should be fine to apply elsewhere if the person doesn’t experience any itchiness within 24 hours.

The essential oil can also be applied to the chest after it is certain that it is safe for use on the skin. Never use essential oils that irritate and cause skin inflammation. Also, remember to avoid applying essential oil directly from the eyes.