12 Best Home Remedies For Bronchitis (List)


It has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that combat viruses in the body. It also boosts immunity and relieves the pain caused by swollen bronchial tubes. It also has antioxidants that help reduce irritation and inflammation. In addition, a bright yellow component of the turmeric plant called Curcumin (found in the roots) aids in breaking down excess mucus formed in the airways and removes it from there. There are several ways to use turmeric:

Use one teaspoon of powdered turmeric and add it to a glass of hot milk. Drink this twice a day or as necessary. One tablespoon of honey and lemon to the mixture for better results. Put turmeric powder in a cup of hot water and consume it as tea. Or mix ½ of fresh or powdered turmeric in salads, vegetables, or honey.

Turmeric can help treat conditions involving inflammation. It is also used to treat arthritis, diarrhea, gallbladder disorders, lung infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, and many others. However, taking turmeric in large amounts may cause stomach aches and raise the risk of bleeding more easily.