14 Effective Boils Home Remedies You Should Try

Pain Relievers

Most boils are caused by staph (medically referred to as Staphylococcus aureus). This skin infection-causing bacteria causes irritations on the affected area and may spread if left untreated. The pain from boils mostly leads to headaches and slight fevers, so a temperature rise is expected. The use of pain relievers can also help lower the temperature and ease the pain suffered from headaches.

Synthetic pain relievers available at home can also do the trick of reducing redness and swelling effectively. Pain relievers like Ibuprofen can take effect within thirty minutes of intake. It can ease the pain suffered from boils and can also treat headaches that come along with it. Acetaminophen (or Tylenol) is also a good pain reliever and may serve as a temporary treatment for effectively reducing fever. 

Most over-the-counter pills are only good for pain relief. Although effective in treating boils, other specific antibiotics are prescription-based, so taking them without proper consultation from a practicing physician is not advisable. Although a common non-prescription drug for skin infections, Neosporin is not a good choice for boils as it doesn’t penetrate the skin enough to treat or drain boils.