13 Home Remedies For Blood In Sperm: The Natural Treatment List

Thyme Oil

Multiple studies have shown that thyme essential oil has numerous health advantages, including reducing or eliminating food-borne bacteria, improving heart health, and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

Many kinds of chronic inflammation exist, and thyme oil can help reduce them. Carvacrol and thymol, the two primary bioactive compounds in the oil, have properties that make them effective as immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory agents. Because of these features, the testicles may experience less discomfort and swelling, and the immune system may receive a boost. Additionally, because of its anti-inflammatory properties, thyme may help relieve pain and bring an end to swelling of the testicle. 

To make thyme oil, wash and dry fresh thyme. Crush the leaves and after releasing the oils, blend them with 1 cup of another oil (such as jojoba, lavender, and coconut oil) in a pan over medium heat. Bubble the mixture for 5 minutes. Once cold, store the mixture in a glass container. And then, apply it to the testicle to lift the pain and stop it from swelling.