13 Home Remedies For Blood In Sperm: The Natural Treatment List

Sperm and the fluids produced by the prostate glands are both components of semen. They travel through a system of tubes on their way to the urethra during ejaculation. As the ejaculated sperm travel through the urinary channel leading to the urethra, blood vessels can be broken by various factors. Blood can then leak into either the sperm or the urine, depending on which vessel was broken.

Hematospermia is the medical term for the presence of blood in the sperm. Injuries, infections, problems with the prostate, and various other conditions and factors can all cause blood to emerge in the semen. Even though it could be unsettling, seeing blood in the sperm does not normally pose a significant risk to one’s life and does not always indicate that something is wrong. In fact, in a great number of instances, there is no obvious cause at all. The therapy for bleeding in the semen depends upon the condition’s underlying cause. Sometimes it’s simply a one-off occurrence, and there are no other symptoms or causes behind it, so there’s no reason to get treatment. Instead, apply the following home treatments to the affected area if an infection and inflammation are the underlying causes.


Antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties have all been attributed to garlic. Garlic can enhance the body’s ability to fight against or eliminate viruses and other germs, and the immune system is strengthened consequently. There is evidence that garlic can help resist infection that causes blood in semen. In addition, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), excessive cholesterol, heart attack, coronary heart disease, and hypertension are only a few of the illnesses for which garlic is commonly used today. Some individuals use garlic to help ward off lung, prostate, breast, stomach, intestines, and colon cancers.

Garlic helps the immune system fight against infections that can cause hematospermia and foreign substances by stimulating the lymphocytes and macrophages, the body’s natural killer cells. Garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties also help reduce infection-related swelling and alleviate the associated discomfort of the affected area.

Method to apply garlic: to brown the mixture, combine chopped garlic with mustard oil and heat. Then, massage the affected area with a cooled mixture. After waiting a couple of hours, reapply it until the discomfort disappears.