13 Home (And Natural) Remedies For Bladder Infections

Add Probiotics to Your Diet

There are good and bad bacteria, and they share their presence in the body. Good bacteria or probiotics help keep the body healthy in various ways. Lactobacilli bacteria are an excellent example that helps the body by killing harmful bacteria. It produces hydrogen peroxide in minute quantities that are not harmful to the body but enough to destroy various types of bacteria. One of their prominent places is in the urinary tract. High levels of them mean that infection is less likely.

One of the primary reasons women suffer from bladder infections and UTIs when they get older is that the delicate areas of a woman’s body have fewer lactobacilli because of menopause. So people must get more probiotics in the body.

The simplest method is to add more probiotics to a person’s diet. More yogurt is interesting to boost probiotic numbers. People can have it for breakfast with some fruits to sweeten it. There are other sources for probiotics. Drinks are a favorite since there several probiotic drinks on the market. Drinking one a day can ensure probiotic levels are at decent levels.