What Are The Causes Of Hernia? 10 Common Triggers


A sports hernia often referred to as athletic pubalgia, is brought on by a groin injury sustained while participating in physically demanding sports like ice hockey, soccer, or wrestling. Strain or a tear in the muscle and soft tissue can be brought on by rapid body turning, twisting movements, and a sudden shift in direction. Pain in the groin is the primary sign of a sports hernia.

When injured, a person is more prone to feel excruciating pain in the groin area. Usually, resting helps the pain go away, but playing again and bending or rotating the body causes it to come back. The genital region may experience groin pain as well. Moreover, the groin region could be sensitive to touch. 

Sports hernias are identified by a physical examination and watching the athlete execute exercises like sit-ups to see if they produce groin pain. It may also be necessary to perform imaging tests like an MRI and x-ray.