The 12 Health Symptoms Of Heart Attack You Should Be Aware Of

Feeling Weak, Light-Headed, or Nauseous

Chest discomfort and dizziness aren’t usually signs of anything dangerous, and they may go away on their own.

However, if these symptoms are accompanied by sweating, chest tightness, and breathlessness, it could indicate that immediate medical attention is required.

Light-headedness and dizziness are common symptoms of a heart attack reported by women. Many women report feeling light-headed after standing up or doing physical activity.

Nausea and shortness of breath are two other warning signs. A person should seek medical attention if these symptoms occur together and continue for more than 15 minutes. A sense of lightheadedness, vertigo, or fainting may accompany this condition. Vertigo and dizziness may result from a drop in the body’s overall blood pressure.

When someone suddenly loses consciousness, it’s typically because their brain’s blood supply is suddenly cut off. This may be caused by irregular heartbeats at a slow or rapid rate and indicates problems with the heart’s electrical system.

Reductions in brain blood flow may occur due to aberrant heart rate or rhythm or the inability of the heart to pump blood effectively. Moreover, it might be the result of a heart attack.