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Stiff Hand Syndrome

Stiff hand syndrome, often called diabetic cheiroarthropathy or diabetic stiff hand syndrome, is a diabetes complication wherein the hands’ thickening and waxiness start to restrict the motion of the fingers. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients may suffer from hand cramps due to stiff hand syndrome.

The underlying causes of stiff hand syndrome are assumed to be related to several factors, like a rise in glycosylation, the process by which sugar molecules bond to protein molecules. Collagen levels in the skin also rise because of the increase. 

Signs of the illness include a lack of ability to strengthen joints and rigidity that eventually spreads to the thumb in the little finger. People with stiff hand syndrome may also have difficulty bringing all their fingers together and have thick and waxy skin on the back of their hands.

Individuals with diabetes can avoid having stiff hands by managing blood sugar levels. Stretching and hand-strengthening exercises like tossing and catching a ball are a few possible treatment choices. Doctors may also recommend physical therapy.