What Could Trigger Hair Breakage? 12 Possible Causes

Eating Disorders

Hair loss and hair breakage are two effects of eating disorders. The normal cycle of hair development can be disturbed by nutritional deficiencies and health problems caused by eating disorders. 

Among the most frequent reasons for hair breakage, particularly in the younger demographic, is when they select vegan and other diets without taking the necessary nutrients into account. A well-balanced diet with zinc, iron, vitamin C, vitamin D, L-lysine, and protein is essential for healthy hair development. Although protein is the fundamental component of hair, vitamin D, on the other hand, helps keep the follicles healthy and active.

Hair grows stronger and healthier once any nutritional deficits have been corrected. Biotin, which is necessary for good hair growth, may be found in eggs, salmon, and Brazil nuts. On the other hand, selenium, which helps hair grow, is also found in Brazil nuts. Examples of L-lysine food sources are beans, meat, nuts, and spirulina. However, it still takes time to notice the effects on the hair once the nutritional deficiency is addressed.