11 Green Stool Causes You Should Know (Common Triggers)

Parasites and Viruses

Parasites and viruses may potentially be responsible for a green stool. For example, the water parasites giardia and norovirus might cause your intestines to flush faster than usual, resulting in green-colored feces.

Giardia, often acquired by contact with contaminated soil, food, or water, may also cause severe diarrhea one to two weeks following infection. Feces may seem green since it goes so quickly through the body.

On the other hand, intestinal parasites are live organisms that inhabit the digestive system. Giardia and cryptosporidium are the most prevalent intestinal parasites in the United States. Both intestinal parasites are often spread by swallowing contaminated water, and both may cause your feces to travel swiftly enough through your digestive system to produce green-colored diarrhea.

Norovirus, often caught by contaminated food or drink or by touching infected surfaces and getting into contact with mouth, is renowned for producing severe diarrhea. When this occurs, the patient might suffer from green diarrhea for the same reason as a bacterial infection. Call a physician immediately if the green stool is associated with vomiting, stomach discomfort, and extreme nausea.