11 Symptoms And Early Warning Signs Of Gerd (Don’t Ignore)

Backwash of Food or Sour Liquid

Regurgitation is spitting food from the esophagus or stomach without experiencing nausea or forceful contractions in the abdominal muscles. It occurs in 80 percent of people with GERD, where sour-tasting or bitter-tasting food can result from acid from the stomach. The ring-shaped muscle or sphincter between the stomach and esophagus helps prevent regurgitation. Malfunctions will lead to the backwash of food or liquid, especially sour-tasting ones. This sensation of acid backing up into the throat or mouth can produce a sour or bitter taste and may result in “wet burps.” Involuntary regurgitation is a common symptom of acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease. 

The cause of regurgitation may vary depending on whether it’s occurring in a child or an adult. Acid reflux, a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, is tied to regurgitation. Infants are also prone to regurgitation. Due to the short length of the esophagus, infants with GERD are most likely to experience regurgitation instead of just reflux. 

Some treatment includes lifestyle changes such as eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly, eating smaller, more frequent meals, avoiding lying down after eating, losing weight, wearing loose pants and belts, and avoiding certain foods and drinks.