Gastritis is the umbrella term that refers to conditions that cause stomach lining inflammation. More often than not, the disease occurs due to infections by similar bacteria that bring about stomach ulcers. However, the excessive use of specific pain medication and long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages may also contribute to or exacerbate the disorder. Moreover, the onset of gastritis may be acute or gradually appear over time as a chronic disease.
For some, the condition can potentially lead to increased risks of ulcers and cancer of the stomach. However, they’re not serious in most cases, improving quickly with the proper treatment. Some signs of gastritis include but aren’t necessarily limited to, burning pain or gnawing in the upper abdomen, vomiting and nausea, and feelings of bloatedness. However, it isn’t uncommon for symptoms not to present themselves when it comes to this disorder.
Most people have experienced stomach irritation and indigestion at one time or another. Most of the time, they’re short-lived and require no medical assistance. However, if the previously mentioned symptoms persist, if you feel lightheaded, have severe episodes of pain, and are unable to hold down any food, it’s best to go to a healthcare provider immediately.
Bacterial Infection
Bacteria is one of the common causes of chronic gastritis, specifically helicobacter pylori, which usually attacks the lining of the stomach. According to a 2018 meta-analysis, approximately forty-four percent have the infection worldwide. Usually, these infections are harmless. However, they are primarily responsible for the onset of ulcers inside the small intestine and stomach. It’s also known for its adaptive qualities, as it can make necessary changes around its environment to survive.
Helicobacter pylori symptoms may present burning or dull stomach pains, nausea, bloating, weight loss, vomiting, poor appetite, and burping. While relatively rare, it’s also possible for the bacteria to put people at an increased risk of stomach cancer, with signs that include blood within the stool and weakness or fatigue. In addition, those who experience trouble swallowing, anemia, and dark-colored vomit or feces are advised to get immediate medical care, as they are indicators of serious complications.
The diagnosis of helicobacter pylori is made using different tests. For starters, blood tests can show whether or not there are antibodies for the bacteria present in it. Breath tests can also check abnormalities in the level of carbon dioxide, which is a common indicator or sign of this infection.